Matrix Media Marketing is behind the scenes of some of the social media accounts you visit - and you don't even know it.
Read how we managed to grow our client list so fast.
Ads and Group engagement is the new norm as of Spring 2018. Be true to your audience and provide info while entertaining.
Still viable and most people's first choice with breaking news. Hashtag emphasis, Tweetchats and more.
Your one-on-one connections want to see credentials and connect with you on B2B levels. Join groups - be active.
Think of life as a matrix of connections. A spider web – of threads and beads interconnected with each other is a beautiful design.
This is social media.
Many business owners think they can create a page – throw up the “Open” sign and prepare for business. But as they soon find out… that does not happen.
Business social media accounts demand a professional presence – not unlike the storefront window at Sachs or Tiffany’s. In fact, your business page is your store front – virtual or brick and mortar– as well as the portal to your website.
This is where your sales funnel begins.
Your buyers/clientele may find your site online – but the first thing they will do is jump to your social media presence to determine your credibility via image, brand, post, influencers, review, and likes and follows.
Some agencies believe social is about metrics – I happen to believe social success is about developing a matrix – a web of connections who engage and share each other’s posts.
Think of social media as a viral network that needs to be massaged and nurtured. Developed with professional and knowledgeable brand content, engaging images.
Your brand – whether it be the greatest concept in the world is still competing with a million other voices on social media. Consistency, clarity and collaboration with others is key to your success.
Defining your market, message and choosing the best platform is crucial to your success. Businesses who work with professional social media companies – set themselves apart from the small businesses who think they can train their staff to post content and then take a coffee break.
Brand social media is creating relationships – talking to your consumers – engaging and educating them about your product – building a matrix of support and influencers who recognize your brand as a market leader and take it upon themselves to share your message with others.
Brand social media is timing – knowing when to post – what to post – based on current trending news events. It is not stagnant like broadcast or print journalism – it is alive – in the moment – and your message can change in an instant depending on what the national or international media is reporting.
[bctt tweet=”This is the beauty of social media. You can ride the news wave in real time – instead of creating stagnant advertising.” url=”no”]This is why successful brands work with agencies who understand their product, buy into their message and commit to taking likes, and follows and turning them into leads, referrals and sales.
Botha brings a unique spin to social media to her clients. She combines her cycle wisdom with her knowledge of timing to pursue leads and engagements to get the sale.

Let’s get started. Take control over your brand on social media platforms today.